Jamie Martin Ed.S. LPC
Trainer in Greenville, SC
Disciplina Mental Health Counseling
Cargo Profissionaln Private Practice Clinician
Especialização Chronic Depression, Chronic Anxiety, Personality Disorders, and other disorders of overcontrol
Jamie Martin is a licensed professional counselor that works in a community mental health setting in Greenville, SC. She attended Clemson University where she received a masters and educational specialist degree in clinical mental health counseling. She has worked in a variety of settings but has a passion for working with personality disorders and those who struggle with chronic mental health issues. She is trained in Dialectical Behavior Therapy for adults and multi-problem adolescents, Exposure and Response Prevention for OCD, Somatic and Attachment Therapy for Chronic Pain and Illness, and has attended multiple intensives for Radically Open-DBT. Jamie sits on the senior clinician team for RO DBT, is approved as a one-day trainer. She is excited about the opportunity to help disseminate this therapy to other clinicians. Jamie and the clinic’s therapy dog Conroy enjoy helping clients learn to loosen up, have fun and play, and feel more connected to the important people in their pack.
Contact: Please contact Jamie directly for enquiries about one-day trainings via jamie@martintherapy.org