Julianna Gorder PsyD
Trainer in Los Angeles, CA
Discipline Clinical Psychology
Professional Position Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Southern California
Expertise Eating Disorders, Higher Levels of Care
Dr. Julianna Gorder is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at University of Southern California. She earned her PsyD from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology and has extensive experience treating individuals of all ages with eating disorders at all levels of care. She completed a two-year postdoctoral fellowship at UC San Diego Eating Disorders Center (UCSD EDC), and worked as a Psychologist at UCSD EDC until 2022, during which time she developed an RO DBT track within the PHP and IOP programs. Dr. Gorder also has experience working with general and forensic populations of children, adolescents, and young adults. In addition to her training in RO DBT, Dr. Gorder has extensive training in DBT, CBT, and FBT, and is also trained in CPT for PTSD. Dr. Gorder completed her first RO DBT intensive in 2018 with Dr. Thomas Lynch, and she is currently an RO DBT Senior Clinician and approved trainer. When she is not working, Dr. Gorder enjoys traveling, and spending time with her friends, family, and two rescue cats, Lily and Luna.
Contact: Please contact Julianna directly for enquiries about supervision or one-day trainings via juliannagorder.psyd@gmail.com