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All therapists listed here have completed or are in the process of completing our official RO DBT training.

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RO DBT Canada - Nicole Little

Services Offered

Individual and skills classes, and supervision.

Dr. Jacquie Cohen, RPsych

Services Offered

Individual therapy available to clients through the public mental health care system. Skills classes not currently available.

Melissa Houser, PhD, C.Psych.


Services Offered

Treatment of children, adolescents, adults, and families. Most of my clinical work currently involves treating eating disorders and disorders of under and overcontrol. I provide individual RO DBT to adolescents and adults, run one or more weekly skills classes, and have been incorporating some family RO work as well.

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Denise Lawee Registered Social Worker/MSW


Services Offered

Individual therapy: trauma informed, queer positive, those with a history of overcontrolled temperaments, social anxiety and perfectionism teens and adults

Dr Drake, R.Psych


Services Offered

Drake has a particular passion for supporting the wellness of folks with nondominant identities develop a better life, respond to pain, understand what serves them and how to let go of what doesn’t, and increase compassion for self and others. Drake has experience treating clients with overwhelming emotion, suicidality and self-harm, depression, anxiety, interpersonal difficulties, trauma, and difficulties associated with an overcontrolled coping style. Drake offers personalized treatment plans with specialized RO DBT, dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT), and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) services to support clients in individual therapy and skills classes. Drake has also received training in CPT (cognitive processing therapy) and PE (prolonged exposure) for treating posttraumatic stress disorder.

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Amanda Buckingham


Services Offered

Virtual Individual RO DBT sessions and skills classes for those in Ontario and BC, Canada.

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Dr Lauren Kerwin

Dr. Emilee Burgess, C. Psych.

Services Offered

Individual therapy for adults struggling with over-control, chronic depression, perfectionism, eating disorders, anxiety, and difficulties with interpersonal relationships. Virtual services are available for individuals residing in Ontario or Nova Scotia.