Pip Thomas Dip. Clin. Psych., MA
One-Day Trainer in North Wales, UK
Discipline Psychology
Professional Position Psychologist and Clinical Lead at the North Wales Adolescent Service and the Betsi Cadwaladar University Health Board
Expertise Adolescents, Anorexia Nervosa
Pip Thomas is a Psychologist and the Clinical Lead of the North Wales Adolescent Service and the Betsi Cadwaladar University Health Board. Pip trained as a Psychologist in New Zealand and has worked there and in the UK in a range of setting over the last 18 years. She has worked with the North Wales Adolescent Service since 2008 providing inpatient care for adolescents, 40 – 50% of whom have a diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa. Pip was a research therapist for the ‘Reframed’ trial between 2011 and 2015. She currently runs an RO DBT programme alongside a standard DBT Programme for young people in her unit.
Contact: please contact Pip directly to arrange one-day trainings via Pipthomas0@outlook.com